Saturday, May 9, 2009


When any act or law is implemented with vested interest and sweet will of a person, it is defamed and gradually loses the faith of common people. During Emergency, keeping aside all democratic norms Mrs Indira Gandhi misused the MISA (Maintenance Of Internal Security Act) and DIR (Defence of India Rule) and put entire opposition behind the bars. Even great men such as Mr Jai Prakash Narayan and Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee were not spared. In the eyes of Mrs Gandhi, they were the greatest threat to National security. No bail was granted to them. They had to spend nearly two years of their valuable life in the jails of Independent democratic India. Similar game was played by Miss Mayawati, the Chief Minister of UP and Mr Varun Gandhi was falsely implicated in National Security Act. Had the High Court not come forward well in time, the life of this young politician would have been spoiled. Thanks to Advisory Board of Allahabad High Court – it did not follow the guide lines adopted by executive on ruler’s behest and saved the career of a youth. Our judiciary is well known for its delayed justice but in this case it has set a good precedence of quick and in time justice. It is a major setback to authoritarian attitude of UP Government. It is an undemocratic theory to curb the activities and voices of opposition by misuse of laws and government machineries.

1 comment:

  1. The most important thing which really differentiates an autocracy and democracy is the implemetation of law by constituion. Varun Gandhi was definitely a victim of a tyrant for whom constitution is meant to be trampled and flouted with. In this era of coalition politics the executive body has become too weak to contain these individuals who have no respect for the law primiarily because of the fact that these people are extending their support to the government.The government should be ashamed of itself for committing such an act and for being chastised like a spoilt child by the judiciary.I hope the exigency shown by the judiciary in this case is followed by more such decisions because justice delayed is justice denied.
